Please comment on here.


Please comment on here.

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you are so nice!!!
thank you!!!
are you on???!!
what time is it where you live
u still on?
Also when is your birthday?
I am 11 years old. My full name is Roman Gabriel Arca. My mom is Christina, my dad is Richard, my sister is Lauren, My favorite thing is swimming. My favorite movie is pixels. My favorite song is Break free by Ariana Grande. My favorite food is spaghetti. I am allergic to cats and peanuts and that is all. My birthday is May 21th. Thanks! 😄😄😄
can I make the collage?
where I live the time is 7:45
so if it was 8:30 where you live then it would be 11:30 where I live
you're super cool. 😃😃😃😃