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I'm bae frfr
I've never had anybody be that sweet like u r
can u remix me a pic of u plz
I already did! I'm Itz_Us
ohh okay well tbh means to be honest
oh ok thx!
so what do you like to do for fun?
wanna chat on what
what do u wanna chat on
I don't know? let's ask each other questions!
kk u first
ok! so how old are u? I'm 14
r u upset or what am I too young fo u
cool! ur turn!
whoo! okay umm any personal things u wanna tell me 😢
I don't really have anything to tell you?
do you have any pets?
um yeah actually HAD 2 pitts
that's cool! my family owns a lessons and boarding stables so we own 12 horses! we did own 11 but one of are horses had a foal the other day. but my parents are divorced so between those two houses I have 2 parrots, 4 dogs, 5 cats, and a lot of farm animals
dang that's a lot of animals do u have an iPhone
so we're do u live? I live in Florida:)
can I get ur number
sorry, but my parents don't allow me to give my number out. but I wish I could!
Grovetown ga
my mom lives in Florida with my little brothers and stepdad
do you have Younow?
what's that !
a app were you can watch and do live broadcast! you should get it!
Mabel I'll get it 2morrow
what's ur number
I can't give it out I'm sorry. my parents don't allow me.
o well sorry but kk
here I'm gonna remix u a question
just a question
I'm sorry if that effected u
it didn't
yes or no I promise I won't tell anyone
yes no
no. r u? it's fine with me if u r
um no I just wanted to ask u but no I'm not
ok:) so what's ur fav tv show? mines Heartland
umm bad girls club πŸ˜‚
I should try and watch that:)
what's ur name by the way?
oh umm jecoria
what part of Florida do u live in
pretty! my names Hope( I hate my nameπŸ˜’)
hope I love that name it is a word of God
u wanna be my best friend
I know, but I just don't think it's a good as a name.
I would love to be your best friend!!!:)
ohh wanna be my best friend
I would love to be ur best friend!!!
okay read my collage that says best friend txt me when ur done
ok! and I will make a collage football r is on my other account tomorrow!
OMG!!! I meant to say I will make a collage for us on my other account tomorrow
okay. sorry I we ant to sleep but I'll make one too when I get out of school
lol πŸ˜‚
I know right
plz enter my contest
I will!
Infinite Lolz