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they back me up when I'm in trouble or need help.
my best friend is the cookies to my milk
My friends find it weird that my best friend is a boy but I don't. me and my best friend get loads of detentions.
he means the world to me
my BFF is a boy to !!!!
I have a best friend that is a boy
my bffs are so kind and when Iam sad they don't let me go
my best friend is the best thing ever she I a star her name starts with a s
My best friend had cancer in her legs,but she survived and ran a mile.So proud of her!
my best friend just means the world to me because I was lonely before because I was knew to the school and I didn't know anybody xxx
ummm my best friends : me , myself , and I love each other to death because we are one😂
my best friend means the world to me i would travel across the universe for her. and i hace a boy best friend and he means a lot to me aldo
i got 8 friends a lot but one friend stayed away from me. so sad😔😔😔
my friend makes me smile, she sings a song when I'm down and although she is loud, you'll always find her in a crowd!👭
my best friends always stand up for me☺️
my best friend is always there, she has leukemia and survived 🙏🏼✊🏼 she's me as the whole world to me and if she left this world so will I cause she is like my sister❤️
Ahh ☺️ You guys thank you for all your sweet comments! having a boy best friend isn't weird. When I moved schools the only friend I had was a boy, anyway 'normal' is overrated 😋
I can always count on both of my besties even if one is a boy, I've known both of them since pre k
@cuteposts_0123456789 that's really nice 😋
My best friends mean the whole universe without me. Without them, I'd be broken, lost, and afraid of the world, but they seem to make life brighter. My girl best friends understand me so well that I actually see them as sisters (and I don't have any siblings X_X). I can always, always, always count on them. My guy bestfriends are as amazing! They're my anchors and they always make me laugh and smile. They're like my morning coffee! (except my cup(s) of coffee talk back to me) Overall, I don't know what I would be without them. Shout out to those quiches btw :3 ~anonymouse-