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hi so what theme?
vintage? that’s nice and simple, but still gorgeous. also, do you want to do background or text?
Mk. school today so I’ll probably be able to do it this afternoon. I’ll remix it here.
k how’s that look?
kk. once you add the text I’m gonna run it through a photo editing app I have to give it the vintage filter sorta look then we can post it. sound good?
i might need more time ( with school)…
no problem! I get it
we can post it tomorrow!
k! remix it here once the text is done :)
Oop nvm you already did
alr I ran it through my editing software what do you think :)
which do you prefer? yours or the one I filtered. honest opinion, we’ll post whichever you choose :)
the filter one!
Mk! posting now