"We're learning to love but it's hard when you're young." ~Young, The Chainsmokers // Had a track meet and got last place xD but I was placed with the fastest runners😬But it was fun to run at the meet! And then we got second for our relay so that was good


"We're learning to love but it's hard when you're young." ~Young, The Chainsmokers // Had a track meet and got last place xD but I was placed with the fastest runners😬But it was fun to run at the meet! And then we got second for our relay so that was good

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Dang it! It's sorta off center😂😆
this is AMAZING 😻
stop it you perfectionist😂😂
although I'm a perfectionist too ahah
Congrats! This is amaizngggggggg! :) xx
fabulous collab💖🌹
Thank you so much for the spam!
I love this!
np💕 and thank you<3 (I just saw your comment about the performance💖)
That is ok!!! I understand we all have lives outside of social media 😂♥️
aww thanks ok, we can always talk here😂💕
It's awful because i'm an iced coffee addict and I love having a ton of milk in it😂
how do you do those hearts?? ♥️
oh ok!😂
btw I LOVE this,♥️
^Are there any things you want to add or take away??? ☺️
thank you!!!!! same to you ✨💙
you're welcome!
luv this