Ok, let me explain...
This will definitely extend to the comments. Once you are done with what fits here, go down to the comments to finish up. I know I haven’t gotten to 30 likes in my previous collage yet.... I probably won’t.
I’ve been inactive for so


Ok, let me explain... This will definitely extend to the comments. Once you are done with what fits here, go down to the comments to finish up. I know I haven’t gotten to 30 likes in my previous collage yet.... I probably won’t. I’ve been inactive for so

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(continued) I’ve been inactive for so long, that none of my followers know that I’m on here and active again. So, because there is no point of doing this for my followers, I guess I might be doing this for just myself. You know what, I don’t even expect YOU to be reading this. Soon, I might be going private. I might as well leave.... because I think I make pretty good collages, but there just isn’t anyone to look at them. I’m sorry, fellow dreamers, but if I don’t reach enough likes and stuff, I’m going to go private by the end of this week. Sunday is my last day being a user of PicCollage with my account being public. Please say your goodbyes if you have read this. I’m definitely leaving unless my account takes a turn for the better. If you read this, please rate from 1-100 for possibly one of my last posts. I’ll miss you guys if I leave!
hi whatsup? 😊
1000000!!!!!! ⭐️
Aw okay
I’m good! 😊 how’s your summer?
Good! Thank you💗 How r u?
Thanks! 😆 Okay ig, tired. Wbu? 🙃
Nope, I have a month left before I start but still. 😶 Wbu?
Wow, that’s too bad. 😕 What grade are you going into?
Nice, 10th.
yes I can’t wait to go back 😊 hbu?