Click emoji 😍

Edit of Ariana Grande. RATE 1//10 and get this to 15 likes. I'll post collab's next or Sierra


Click emoji 😍 Edit of Ariana Grande. RATE 1//10 and get this to 15 likes. I'll post collab's next or Sierra

21 0
191927817/10 it's beautiful!
congrats! you were chosen! please remix it back to me when your finished πŸ’•
schedule for mega collab: coffeecakecherrywood,kawaii_oreo_unicorn,chocolatelatte,kenziefan-dm,sierraweasley,dreamy_grande. I'll remix it to you guys after the person before has finished. please don't start unless I've remixed you it with an edit on. sorry for late notice πŸ’œπŸ’œ
for example, when I remix the mega collab to you it's your turn to do your part
I don't know I didn't do the background ask @masiiiiie
this is amazingπŸ’–