Collage by KatAndHerFandoms


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so I might’ve written a little something about Cynthia
Cynthia waited outside Rosalind’s bedroom, clutching a book titled “ Medicinal Witchcraft.” This, she thought, would be the solution to Rosalind’s condition. Nurse Alms allowed Cynthia to step inside the dimly lit room. Rosalind’s head was bare, her silver veil in the wash, and the pink rashes on top of it could still be seen once Cynthia was right beside her. The eye bags and gray complexion furthered Rosalind’s sickly look. Rosalind suffered from what was nicknamed “ The Bloody Lady”. The illness received its name from the fact that the rashes its victims, mostly women, suffered from would bleed unless they treated it early. The problem was that death was the only cure. Other symptoms included hair loss and exhaustion. Cynthia pressed a damp rag against Rosalind’s forehead. “ I think I found a cure.” Rosalind’s eyes lit up at the news and she made an attempt at a smile. Cynthia told her about the book and how it mentioned three witches that could provide a cure for everything, with a price. “ I know it’s not what you were expecting, but I thought I could go on a journey and find those witches.” Rosalind didn’t say anything. She only groaned in agony. She feebly grasped Cynthia’s hand and squeezed it, signaling to go ahead. Cynthia said goodbye to Rosalind. Next, she had to inform Rosalind’s parents, Lord Pierre and Lady Alberta, of her plan.