Currently reading Lady Midnight. Read comments pls


πŸ’™tapπŸ’™ Currently reading Lady Midnight. Read comments pls

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I was reading Lady Midnight, I really liked the book and I found Emma carstairs really relatable. like REALLY relatable. we both have blond hair and brown eyes, we are both left handed, and moth of our names are Emma. I was like, Cassie did you write this about meπŸ˜‚. anyway that's my little story time for today. comment πŸ’™ if you read this.
both not mothπŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚
we talked about it, and they said they would start it
hope this is ok πŸ’›
I made it and Bewarethenargles gave me the idea which I put to life πŸ’•
when you're done you can remix it to bewarethenargles so he/she can add extra stuff to it πŸ’•
coolπŸ˜‚maybe she did write it about you😜
Lady Midnight is AMAZING!!!!!!❀️❀️❀️❀️❀️❀️❀️❀️ who's your fave Shadowhunter?
I like Ty!!➰😊