Does anyone know how get your body self esteem up? because I hate my weight and my body shape so much...


Tap Does anyone know how get your body self esteem up? because I hate my weight and my body shape so much...

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poke your left bøøb then your right bøøb while saying A, B, A, B... I’m weird :3
honestly I'm not proud of my body but get friends taht a re proud of u that help bring that back i have one friend who whenever I dress nice or not just when I walk into the room she gets everyone hyped and talks about how pretty I am I swear I'm blessed and I want others to be so if u need someone like my friend I can be that for you
^^that last one is good. but I think you should also come to terms with yourself and stop hiding your body. I couple years ago I never wore shorts or skinny jeans and now I’m wearing both. I understand that the change may be hard at first (heck I still can’t wear a bikini because I’m afraid people will see my scars) but slowly, I believe, that you can come to see yourself as beautiful