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argh. if you’re gonna hate on me, at least get my username right. but I’m curious, have I offended you in some way?
why are you doing this? can we talk?
m8. can u not? can we talk actually? I’d love to know your motives behind making this hatepage. thx ok byee
excuse me, but this is rude. as other people have said, can we talk? i want to figure out why you are hating on a wonderful person.
are you ok?
what the heck? we need to talk.
excuse me she’s not the one going and making a hate page for someone, you took your time out of you day just to hate on a person when you could be reading a book, taking a walk, playing outside. instead of doing something useless that will get you no-where in life. Now are you really going to go down this road.
If you have an issue with her this ain’t the way to solve it, and if that’s not the case, this is really immature. She doesn’t deserve hate, no mater much you dislike her. Obviously you won’t listen to us listing why she’s so great, but you should. She’s an amazing friend, and I’m sure you could have friends like her if you didn’t hate. Unless your friends are haters too, then you have a serious problem. So yeah, I’m sure you have a better way to spend the rest of your summer, you didn’t prove anything.
if u don't like her keep it to yourself we don't want to hear your büllshît
you are the rude one for making the hatepage jerk
tbh she has been rude to me at times too, but she also has been very nice.
and i handled the situation by just saying whatever to myself, not by making a hate page
no one deserves a hate page
and ur rudeeeeee
do u wanna talk about why u hate her?
“She’s Rude” isn’t a valid reason to hate on somebody.It’s petty af actually. Don’t become one of those lowlifes. like even tho ur a hatepage, YOU’RE the only one who’ll end up getting hated. Remove yourself from that situation before it’s too late!
Can you... not? Please? @sakuracat has been nothing but kind to me since I met her. Sure, maybe she was rude to you, but this isn’t the way to handle that. You know what’s rude? This. This is rude. This is MORE than rude. I don’t want to hurt your feelings or anything, because nobody deserves hate, but this isn’t right. Everybody can be rude sometimes, me included. Nobody’s perfect. But you shouldn’t make hatepages for other users just because of their faults. Everybody has them. I can definitely be pretty rude sometimes—but I try not to be. Tell you what: you should tell her what she did to offend you, and she’ll probably apologize. Delete the hatepage, pretend this never happened. You still have a shot at redemption, and I suggest you take it.
she is most definitely not rude! she is one of the kindest people ever! she does not deserve this
^^yep! and her collages are INCREDIBLE! why would you hate on her! she’s never done anything to deserve a hate page!
wth do something better w your life honestly accounts like these just make me wanna cringe like why you want the attention brooo? nope. sorry. don’t be foolish and embarrass yourself among about 10 million of us supporters of @sakuracat okie? this is not rude but true: get a life :)
hey. chill. i get that you’re mad at her, and you have every right to be. but maybe instead of making a hatepage to solve your problems, you could, i dunno, TALK TO HER?!? i know you’re mad at her. fine. i’m not criticizing a perfectly natural human emotion. but what i AM criticizing is the fact that you went and made a public page to hurt her. this is not okay. just...stop.
Lmâó huge àsś paragraphs is all I see
why are you doing this? do you enjoy hurting her?
stop! this is so rude and mean
*sigh* I guess people are really running out of ideas now...
“she’s rude”. could you come up with something better than that? actually, just delete your account altogether
stop being mean do u think it’s cool cause it’s not
no stop it rude