Collage by AnonyHelp


11 1
texts don’t really say everything about a person, but he sounds pretty okay!
oh, well that’s good! As long as he seems like a good person to you, then I guess that’s all that matters! (lol did that sound sarcastic? I feel like it did, but it wasn’t supposed to be)
if he is a genuinely nice person your good!! I think your parents aren’t approving because of the ages rn, the age gap isn’t too large so you should good later on💖
ohh okay cool!
I don't think age matters
he seems sweet! but like have u ever face timed?
cuz if u haven’t u might want to cuz he might be a fake, or a much older man
I mean u just always want to check before u get to deep into a relationship
gosh I’m sry I’m sounding like my parents 😂😥
age doesn’t matter, just love. but anyway, if your parents don’t accept it, y’all yo them, maybe then they’ll understand