Collage by Itz_Maddy21


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so watcha doing
what time is it at your place?
it's 5:57 pm where I am
I'm graduating soon and I just watched the graduation dance... ITS SO CRINGY😂
year 7 so yea highschool
but the bad thing is I'm going to an all girl school!! Not that I want a boyfriend I just want boys cause they are really funny... Some
they certainly do😂
well at least I can get a fresh start...
so your a fan of Annie Leblanc?
yea I like her too
she's really pretty
i love chicken girls
and I ship HANNIE💖
hold on I gotta go I'm sorry I'll talk to you later k? my sister needs me🙄
also no your not anoting at all
hey there is one more spot in the Annie Leblanc team!