Collage by Superhiper


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it's true, you guys want me to die, I'm already being hurt, inside and out
^ GOOOO AWAY DUDE YOU HAVE NOOO RIGHT HERE!! (talking to ☝🏻 that dude hiper)
I know
stop following me
you are shît... you just made Anime go on private just made my BEST FRIEND LEAVE. that's IT
just leave me ALONE!
leave me alone, I'm innocent
^^^^ I'm sorry
just block all these people
I was told you were being rude to people because of their beliefs. I'm not going to hate, because I don't like taking side, but I think you may want to figure out WHY these people are hating. Once again, not hating, not not hating. Just speaking my opinion.
^^^^ u can't believe anyone one keep out if ur not involved
just block them so all this drama can stop
I don't want to block anyone, it's just not right
^^^^^ it's okay just do it