Gryffindor Dorms


Gryffindor Dorms

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Katanna walked in.
Rose was right behind her. "Wow, I'm in Gryffindor?! I can't believe it.. At least we're in the same dorm!"
Katanna smiled, "Yeah!"
(You still on?)
"So...what do you want to do first?" Katanna asked
"I need to settle in. Let's unpack!" she replied,
Katanna nodded as she started to unpack her things.
As she unpacked, she saw something glimmer in her bag." Aha", she said as she grabbed the needle. "There's some thread in here somewhere.." she muttered as she was shuffling through her bag.
Katanna put away her bow and arrow set as well as her bo staffs. Then she put away her qudditch gear. "I really hope tryouts are soon!!" Katanna sighed," I also really want to be captain...but who would want a 1st year captain anyways?" she sighed again
"I bet you'll be amazing", she said confidently.
"Thanks," Katanna said with a smile
Katanna plopped onto her bed. She was so happy she made the team!