Harry Potter 30 days challenge #day15


Harry Potter 30 days challenge #day15

77 1
Fred was one of my favorite characters
I agree with you
thank you. omg yes. I'm trying to be SiriusπŸ˜‰πŸ˜‰ so I don't cry.
I agree
could you plz sign up 4 my hogwarts school starts 1st November
omg I miss him sooooooo much!!!!!! 😭
Dobby 😭😭😭😭😭😭
hello, this reminds me of a post on tumblr, it's a letter from Lily Potter to Molly Weasley and it said "loving Fred like you're loved Harry for me" melted my heart
he was my favorite character in the series 😭😭😭
I agree and Sirius and Dobby, Snape, Tonks and Lupin as well! (I love to manyπŸ˜‚)
It was so sad
I know right!!
I know, 😭he was too young
amen sister btw I'm a true Harry Potter fan too.
and George. I love your answer
I know! it wasn't fair! poor guy
Fred died?