QOTD: Why did you start Pic Collage?


QOTD: Why did you start Pic Collage?

229 1
check Remixes!
I started because my friend didn't stop asking me to do an acount
I started because my friend recommended out to me 😂
I started because I was bored and got over obsessed with it
I started because I saw other people do cool things so I decided to post a few things! (but now I'm obsessed!)
I at first just looked at all the collages and got super inspired by everything when I convinced my parents to get one, I made tons of friends and the experience has been amazing
I was tired at looking at all the cool collages and felt like I should join. I'm going to be obsessed as I've only had it for a week.🤔
try out my challenge on my home page thingy(lol) it will be fun!!
I'm new, just started a couple weeks ago. 😎