CONGRATS TO MADILOU04 FOR WINNING The Pokémon games you can pick 4 things of your own choseing and for pinkgirl299 I really sorry I loved yours to but I got people to judge you can pick 3 things of your choice thanks for participating everyone and tell me


CONGRATS TO MADILOU04 FOR WINNING The Pokémon games you can pick 4 things of your own choseing and for pinkgirl299 I really sorry I loved yours to but I got people to judge you can pick 3 things of your choice thanks for participating everyone and tell me

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hi :)
Thanks So Much! This means so much to me. I've never won a games before!!
aw I’m sad that I lost but this was so fun to do! Congrats Madilou04!!
it was so close xx
if u want more games then tell me xx