Collage by Octavia_VampireHybrid


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no one cares!!! My life is so sad, (I have to go shower soon because at 7 I'm going to a party)
talk to me plz...... 😭😭😭😭😭😰😢😥🤧🙏
please come off of private...
but why? it stops the hater from talking to me and plus no one cares
I care! plus, you can block the hater.
I feel so alone, in a big world, fine, I'll come off private
thank you. and remember, you're never alone.
what if you feel alone
I think about all the people that I have with me and all of the people that care about me
*hug* I am so glad that I have you in my life and as a friend
I hope some day in the future we could meet up
same here. *hugs back*