OMGOSH 500 FOLLOWERS??! Thank you guys soooo much! I’ve made sooo many new friends this year and I appreciate each and everyone of you(check comments)


Tap🎉5️⃣0️⃣0️⃣🎉 OMGOSH 500 FOLLOWERS??! Thank you guys soooo much! I’ve made sooo many new friends this year and I appreciate each and everyone of you(check comments)

49 0
I love y’all so much!! At the beginning of this year my my goal FOR THE END OF THE TEAR was 500! and guess what?!?!?! We aren’t even half way through the year and I’ve hit my goal!! that’s insane!!! But I’m so happy it happened! Thank you all so much for this amazing opportunity🎉🎉
Congrats! ❤️💕
I’d love to, especially since you haven’t done one in a long time!☺️❤️
what do you want to do?💛
ok! I’ll do the text and you can do the background and quote😁🌻
oh, that’s alright☺️
I’m kinda busy too, but I will do our collab later once you’ve remixed me a pic and quote😄💫
np!! hru?
woahhh congrats and also can you please enter my icon contest it would mean the world to me
lucky you...still got like 6 weeks left till the end of the term, but im feeling pretty good, except that my favourite soccer team just lost the Champions League Final ;(
Congrats!!! half way to 1k!!
mhm lol
You can definitely get there! you’re so awesome!
ty for the suggestions! I'll be doing Sam Smith and then Ex d Sheeran next, not really sure about Imagine Dragons though 🤔. And congrats again ! 🎉
no problem! It was your request after all! 💕💞