This is gonna sound self-important sorry but I'm horrible at keeping you all updated, so if you're interested I'll post some updates on my life in the comments


This is gonna sound self-important sorry but I'm horrible at keeping you all updated, so if you're interested I'll post some updates on my life in the comments

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so I've started going to therapy, and I've been diagnosed with generalized anxiety disorder (no surprise there) and dysthymia which apparently is a kind of depression, where I'm just unhappy and super grey all the time instead of sobbing and being suicidal all the time
uhhh I'm in this after school fitness room program and my mom makes me go and I'm super super anxious about it
I have no friends in it with me and I feel like the other kids are judging me, and today I stayed later than I wanted to bc I was self conscious about leaving too early, and I realized: I leave early because I'm anxious and I leave late because I'm anxious. it's so dumb
I've gotten a ton of writing and a couple photographs published on the teen ink website :D
I'm still hoping I might get one in the magazine but we'll see
make friends
sounds dumb but trust me, at least one of the other kids there is also anxious
I hope it gets better for you
oh dang
Ugh😞I really hope things get better for you. Keep hanging in there, friendo xx
Also, congrats on your things getting published on the website! That’s really awesome :)
could I ask did you ask to go to therapy or did your parents bring you and if the first one how because I want to ask my mom to got to a local mental health youth therapy group but I’m scared shïtłešs