On the train get to know each other! It might help in upcoming challenges.


On the train get to know each other! It might help in upcoming challenges.

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Rose steps on the train with her owl Puff and her brother Cedric. "Are you nervous?" her brother asks. "No, I'm ready!" she said proudly.
Katanna got onto the train. Coming from a long line Gryffindors and Slytherins she hoped to be in one of those houses. She took a seat
(Are there going to be original characters in here or not?)
"See you later sis", Cedric says as she finds a seat. Rose decides to sit next Katanna. "Hi! I'm Rose!" she said enthusiastically.
(umm this is like when Harry and all them are grown up so you can talk about them)
"Hey I'm Katanna," she said with a smile.
A lady with a cart of treats pulls up. "Would you like anything?" she says kindly.
"Yes please! Can I get a chocolate frog please?"
"Same here," Katanna said politely
"Sure! Are you two excited?" she asks as she hands them each a frog.
Katanna nodded, "Thank you," she said with a smile
"Yes, I'm really excited! Thank you so much!" the lady smiled as she walked away.
She tore open the wrapper. "I got Harry Potter! It's so cool how they added him. Who did you get?"
"So! What house do you want to be in or do you think you're going to be in?" Katanna asked eating her frog
She wiped the chocolate off of her face. "I'm hoping to get Hufflepuff like my mom."
"I got Hermione Granger," Katanna said
"I love Hermione. She's such a big inspiration to me," Rose said.
"Me too," Katanna smiled, "I hope to be in either Gryffindor or Slytherin. My whole family has come from either one of those houses,"
(Haha lol😂 Yeah, but I'm an extreme Harry Potter nerd)
"Oh", she said disappointedly. She like Katanna, and it seemed like when your in a different house you can't be friends.
"Yeah hopefully we could still be friends though. I mean Luna and the trio were friends...and Luna was in a different house," Katanna said
"I'm so glad I came on the early train. Now we can settle in!
"I know right," Katanna agreed
"So tell me a bit about yourself....like what's your hobbies?"
"I love Quidditch, hippogriff riding, and I love designing. I want to help create the new Quidditch uniforms for this year. What about you?"
"I absolutely love quidditch too! I want to be seeker and captain. I also like archery, martial arts, and singing,"
"Coo-". She was interrupted by the sound of the train's whistle. "Oh, we're here!"
Katanna smiled. She was excited.
Cedric approached the two girls. "Hi, I'm Cedric! Are you two ready to go?
Katanna nodded. "Hey, I'm Katanna"
"Cedric you don't have to babysit me", she laughed.
"Cedric, you don't have to babysit us. Just show us everything and tell us everything", she laughed.
"Okay then. Let's go." They walked to the huge school. "Wow.." Rose said in shock.
Katanna smiled, "Her parents had always told her about this,"
"Okay, now go into the dining hall to be sorted. You guys are some of the first people here so it might be pretty empty," Cedric said.
Katanna just walked to the dining hall. Being a pure blood she had been educated about this many times.
Jane paced in a square as she nervously awaited her sorting. She blocked her ears to those around her. "Focus, Jane" she breathed. Like everything else, she believed that if she worked hard enough, she would be sorted into the house of her choice. Her perfectionistic attitude often led to tears, but it was the only thing she knew. Raised a half-blood, her mother was a teacher and her father a well known author in the wizarding world.