Collage by GoofyGenius


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the world championships was five days long and every day was essentially a date. we’d go everywhere together, eat together, explore by ourselves. and our competition roles require us to be in perfect unison all the time. I treat it as just friends, but looking back it was pretty sketchy and bordering the line… we’re both friends with everyone on the team and it doesn’t make sense for us to always go off on our own
there was a moment where we were waiting for our food in a food truck. the champs were in texas so it was sunny and really hot. I got lightheaded and crouched down to try and hide, and he walked over and stood in front of me so I’d be shaded. >///<
anyways though. when we came back, things went back to equilibrium which was fine. I found out that my acquaintance had been crushing on him for a bit and thst they were “talking”. at this point I had already determined I just wanted to be friends (and I never told her about the situstionship), so I backed off fully
I mean he and I are friends so I couldn’t cut him off (and there was nothing going on so it didn’t make sense for me to), so we were still chatting on a daily basis
but then prom season comes around… and my acquaintance wanted me to tell him to ask her to prom. 💀 she’s nice and all, but man kind of rubbed it in my face a little lol. I did though, cuz I was feeling generous, and his answer was very vague (didn’t tell me a thing abt his feelings toward her) but the answer was “I don’t want to go with her to prom”
keep in mind I don’t know anything abt their relationship since I’m not close with her and I leave it up to him to tell me abt things like this at his own discretion.
anyways, he asked me if he could come with me and my group to prom? Which was very strange and OOC. We’ve talked in March about how we’d rather have fun with our own individual friend groups than rush and get a date that you barely know. I told him that ofc, and assured him that we’d see each other at the dance and that he wouldn’t have as much fun with my friend group since he doesn’t know anybody else
And then at prom it was kind of a weird slow mo moment - I’m still squealing over it LOL. The mosh pit at tonka is chaotic and humongous. My friends and I were pushing our way to the front of it, and as soon as I look up I see him and his friends doing the same
And when we finally made eye contact it was just us making the 😮😱 face and pointing at each other across the mosh pit. We get shuffled around some more and he gets pulled to the middle of the pit by his friends. They do some weird show for a bit and then he comes and pulls me into the pit too to dance. Which ofc I did lol 💃🪩🕺
Afterwards we leave on opposite sides of the pit still pointing at each other and making the :O face. I broke character tho and started laughing cuz it was funny
I see him like five minutes later when we were getting water. I asked for a selfie bc YOLO am I right, and his friend from the mosh pit spawns in, pats him on the shoulder, and goes “YOOOO I GOT YOU AND YOUR GIRL ON CAMERA”
which got me hysterically laughing
And then last week he asked if I wanted to go to Long Island with him over memorial weekend?? But I said no bc already had plans and too spontaneous…
^ for reference he meant just me and him alone, and I wouldn’t have to pay for the ticket
so yeah. where does that lead us now that we’re graduating? just friends LOLLL. I’ve kinda already moved on from the possibility of us together romantically. he leans on me and I lean on him, and it would be a shame to see that disappear if things were to go wrong. all my friends say that he’s too late, he had three months to make a move if he wanted to
and that’s the lore LOL