Hey dreamers! So what am I doing rn? Procrastinating 😫😂im supposed to be doing my English homework, maths homework, geography homework, learning my Spanish vocab, learning all my songs in les mis, and generally doing something productive. *spends several


Hey dreamers! So what am I doing rn? Procrastinating 😫😂im supposed to be doing my English homework, maths homework, geography homework, learning my Spanish vocab, learning all my songs in les mis, and generally doing something productive. *spends several

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[whole caption] Hey dreamers! So what am I doing rn? Procrastinating 😫😂im supposed to be doing my English homework, maths homework, geography homework, learning my Spanish vocab, learning all my songs in les mis, and generally doing something productive. *spends several hours doing nothing on her phone* Oh well
omg same 😂 I'm meant to be doing my English homework, my maths homework, my geography homework and my LOTE homework (Language Other Than English) 😩😂😂
help I just realised I have history & chemistry homework too...............................................this is what happens when you do nothing for the whole summer 😫😫😢
I never been more relatable to a caption before 😂😂😂btw this is so beautiful!!!! ;-;
thank you so much!