Hercules edit! Pls rate out of ten! Sry if it's messy, I was babysitting while doing this, and I got rlly distracted. Anyways, hope you like it...


Hercules edit! Pls rate out of ten! Sry if it's messy, I was babysitting while doing this, and I got rlly distracted. Anyways, hope you like it...

35 0
That's ok! My name's Breanna, what's yoursโ”โ“
tysm @crystal--rain! all your compliments mean the world to me, considering who it's coming from. you, an amazing and talented collager!!
I'm good! how are u?
Wow this is great! So pretty. So babysitting huh? I like kids, do you? LET'S CHAT ABOUT DISNEY AAAAHHH I LOVE DISNEY!!! Ok, so let's start with the basics. Why do you love Disney? I will answer too. We can take it in turns to ask questions! So... I love Disney because it is so inspiring, it teaches you to follow your dreams, that even though you may be small, you can do it! There are so many valuable lessons to learn from Disney movies and of course, the famous Walt Disney himself! Disney movies are animated to perfection and they are movies you can watch over and over again. That is why I love Disney! How about you? xoxo
thank you!! yes, for now I babysit. I do like kids, especially little Vevina (whom I'm babysitting) AAAHHHH DISNEY!!!!!!!! I LOVE DISNEY SOOOOO MUCH!!!!! Lol, you probably want to know that I suffer from something called "extreme Disney fan hyperness." Okay, well I love Disney because, uh... well, brace yourself for a long answer. Disney is just so amazing! I mean, like you said, Disney inspires us to do many great things, and teaches us many great lessons. it teaches us to follow our dreams, and it inspires us and lets us know that we are capable of anything and that we can do anything. Disney is so magical, and is all-ages friendly. Disney makes you feel good to be yourself. it cheers you up, calms you down, makes you happy, inspires you, and it makes your life perfect. life just wouldn't be the same without Disney!! and Walt Disney is such an amazing and inspiring person to look to! he may be dead, but his spirit and personality lives on forever. Disney stores make you feel so happy and comfy, the Parks make you feel like home, and the books and movies are so perfect, you can enjoy them over and over again. and movies originally by Walt Disney?!?! ARGH!!! THEY ARE SOOOOOO GOOOODD!!!!! there are so many more reasons why I love Disney, but I think you'll get tired reading it all. so here is my 25% completed answer for why I love Disney. xoxo
last year, I wrote a 15 page essay on why I love Disney and why it's better than Knotts. the teacher who graded it used to work at Knotts and thinks Knotts is better, yet I still got a 4+ on my writing, LOL!!! ๐Ÿ˜‚