Welp I have to say my last words cuz the 8th is almost here I will always love my friends but plz get Instagram for I can text u there plz do and sorry if it’s hard to say bye to me but I will erase my account for there will be no trace of my 

Love CuteM


Welp I have to say my last words cuz the 8th is almost here I will always love my friends but plz get Instagram for I can text u there plz do and sorry if it’s hard to say bye to me but I will erase my account for there will be no trace of my Love CuteM

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I’m gonna miss you a lot :(
but y’all will forget about me cuz I’m not someone that important
imma miss u sooooo much!!!! 😰😥😓😢😭
Nuuu! I will never forget you!!!