Is anyone as excited for Season 2 of Carmen Sandiego as I am?
No, I don’t think so. 

My girl Julia is gonna get an upgrade to become the U҉L҉T҉I҉M҉A҉T҉E҉ L҉E҉S҉B҉I҉A҉N҉


✨🔥✨ Is anyone as excited for Season 2 of Carmen Sandiego as I am? No, I don’t think so. My girl Julia is gonna get an upgrade to become the U҉L҉T҉I҉M҉A҉T҉E҉ L҉E҉S҉B҉I҉A҉N҉

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I haven’t watched it yet should I? it looks pretty cool
who needs to worry about shins? shouldn’t you worry about your niko-niko-knees?