.the majority of you voted for room two and your explanations were extremely smart and sensible, well done.

when did she start?


.the majority of you voted for room two and your explanations were extremely smart and sensible, well done. when did she start?

13 0
i think it goes 4/19/20. looking back at keira’s account, that’s when she posted her first collage
^ooooh yes that’s very smart
big brain
^ yup that makes sense
definitely agree. especially since what was commented in the caption. i’m pretty sure that’s right
genius Patrick
thank you patrick
I was very confuded cuz in europe we do the day then month, but you're probably right.
^same ahaha
but yeee i agree
bro you guys are 🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯
ok im betting my money on that too^^^
^^^^^emily be big brain🔥🔥
that’s the only thing that makes sense