Collage by the_strange_and_beautiful


4 12
I debated posting this at all, but it seems to be the best of my current abilities. I feel as if my creativity is there but the voice is not? I just wanted to make sure I entered this because I quite miss these writing contests😌 thank you so very much for creating them! As they are always fun even when my writing is rubbish😄😌✨🌙💛
Ah, Saturn. The best of your current abilities is better than my abilities on a very good day. I don't think you are capable of writing something that isn't thought provoking or spectacular. This is no exception. And it's certainly not rubbish. Not at all. ✨ Now, I suppose I am expected to come up with some form of constructive criticism, even though I really don't have anything. There are two little typos near the beginning but those are ultimately harmless to me. I guess I will say this; to make the story seem more storylike I'd say you could add a few descriptions of things like the boat, or her father, or the cat. Perhaps you could lengthen some of the short sentences with some descriptions? But that isn't absolutely necessary, because what you've written here is nearly flawless as it is. 🌻✨