Collage by animefreak1507


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teamsqwode😂just kidding it should be fanclub101
eh I’ll think about that
I’m not saying no I’m just waiting for others
er, I think #we are the champions
I’m thinking about the dominators
yeah, mine isn’t good, is it?😭😭😭😭😭💍🙍🏻‍♀️
no it’s good
oh ARMY is that a good name for it
what about " the Dino-vans"
I like that
“hi” or “ham” hay I’m weird
our team name is the Dino vans if you are active on my account I will make you your very own Dino van it will have your colors that are on your pic and it will be a van with a dinosaur sticking out on the top
I new you’d like the name.
well duh
it’s cool 😎 I’m working on your Dino Van