This is me and skrillex


This is me and skrillex

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nah...not real...he has different glasses. I know my DJs...okay??
ummm Skrellix as long hair and you have to be 13 and up to have pc
he would rather die than share a smoothie or milkshake or whatever with you. again, he doesn't want AIDS.
no this was me and him last year
I'll get one that was this year
last year ariana did not look like that !
it's in Hollywood and he's wearing a weird jacket...he would wear a long coat. and he spends more time at the park chasing ducks.
If you're the real Ariana grande, post a picture with a sticky note on your cheek that says "Woof"
stop lying
I will do a pic of a sticky note saying woof
don't and do u have snapchat
that's not shrillex he has long hair...
lol dat ain't skrillex
IKR skrillex has long hair 😅