Collage by memetimetyler


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UGH 🤦🏼‍♀️
hmmm 😑
hurt me? 🤔
I’m not upset just what you said was stupid and for some reason you always bring up people when I’m on zoom
and you know who I’m talking about
mmhmm 🙄😑
that’s what you say everytime then you say something stupid again
that’s what they all say
so every other time you weren’t 🤔
🙄 whatever
sure Tom and I never said I wasn’t your friend I just stopped talking to you Bc of what you kept saying
and you stopped talking to everyone we were all wondering why you didn’t talk to us anymore
it’s just that you guys seem like you guys are happy without me that’s why I been not on that much
all we do is argue everyone in the whole friend group there is literally no day without drama
well I will try to be on as much as possible
trust me
ok Tom just stop being so dramatic tho 😂
so we friends
😑 I guess we can be friends. but like I said before I never said we weren’t friends lol
wanna see Henry
see this is when I ask you when was the last time you’ve gone to the doctor 😂
um like then mental doctor
I’m just kidding