i’m prob coming out to my mom on thursday,, so plz help,,, i can’t live with this anxiety


i’m prob coming out to my mom on thursday,, so plz help,,, i can’t live with this anxiety

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GOOD LUCK ❤️❤️❤️❤️
its gonna be hard but just so u know. my mom didnt react well and sent me to a psychologist. she argued w me everyday and banned me from seeing the girl i was dating. its been a year and we never acknowledge it. if she reacts well: thats great im happy for u. if not: shell get over it and probably just ignore it and soemtimes thats the best u can ask for at least while u still live under her roof :)
ofc :)
good luck!! just always know that there r ppl who love u and I’m really proud of u for taking the step and coming out to her. I hope it goes well💕