I got in a car accident this morning and since then my day has just been getting worse


I got in a car accident this morning and since then my day has just been getting worse

31 0
oh my goodness fren I hope it gets better :((
oh god that's awful I'm sorry fren? is everyone okay? I hope you're day gets better💜if not, there's always tomorrow
I'm so sorry, was everyone involved alright? I hope things get better for you.
I’m sorry about that :( I hope you’re okay
i hope you're alright! i'm here for you 💕
of course fren💜I'm glad everyone's okay. car accidents are vv scary. I've been in one too
I'm so sorry! i hope things start looking up soon ❤️
you okay??!??!!!?
Yikes I'm sorry I hope everything is okay :(
re: Oh good, I'm glad everyone's okay.
Yeah same (about the video)
omgee you okayyyyyy???? hope you feel better soon💞💞
that's good!💞 how are you now??
omg are you alright?😢
Oh *phew* thank god☺️