😢😢😢 comment your favourite part in the book. *Alert* comments should contain spoilers


😢😢😢 comment your favourite part in the book. *Alert* comments should contain spoilers

41 2
I pretty much died when I found out that Voldemort had a daughter.
it's an amazing book but it's very confusing
I know sooooo good right πŸ‘πŸΌ
my favourite part is the scene when Harry and Draco fight and ruin Ginnys kitchen
I played the Harry Potter character quiz and I got Hermione cause I'm exactly like her
I ship alpius!
I haven't read it yet
is it any good, because it isn't by the same author?
Hey !!!!!!! I am so sorry I haven't kept in touch πŸ˜₯πŸ˜₯ I just had to take a complete break from social media for a while and unfortunately this counts as social media kind of 😰 How have you been ?? It's autumn in the U.K. rn but if I'm right you should be in summer time ish ? Yes I have read the cursed child !!! I loved it !!! just so so much , what did you think of it and what's your fav bit ?? 😘 Hope you've been well . Lauren πŸ’‹
I haven't read the book yet... I'm dying to get it...