comment things you want to see on pc


comment things you want to see on pc

18 0
More than 50pngs that we can collect
better fonts!!
1. a reply option so ppl don’t comment back and forth on each other’s posts. 2. a bio not a website. 3. the ability to search a tag or username and have ALL posts with that tag pop up instead of just the featured ones 4. the old fonts back 5. a different featuring system that doesn’t just feature random ppl or the same ppl over and over again
Also some sort of private chat would be amazinggg and it would declutter all of the posts because i have so many of me chatting with my friends 😂
One more thing that would be cool is just some way for new people to be discovered. Maybe have a page of new suggested users that can be voted on by the pic collage community.
I agree with both of them ^^
^^ they read my mind
OH ONE MORE THING have a date on all of the collages! So we don’t ave to write it and people can see how long ago we posted 😂
alsooo i think we should be able to favorite people we are following and like have a page of your favorites that we can easily access. People can’t see who we favorite though.
a date on when we posted like @-shiningmoon- said, a better featuring system, so it's a variety of different types of collages and collagers, when you search for collages, ALL collages, not just featured, and basically everything mentioned above that I haven't listed 😂
and maybe stories like on Snapchat
^^ maybe
stories, bios, dm’s(messaging), being able to collect more then 50 png’s and everything else I & so many others have commented😂😂
I see your following an account that promotes hate (@EpicFish) unfollowing them would be a good idea!
and messaging
an eye dropper tool for doodle and text
Messaging system, follow all (like when you go to someone else’s following you can click a “follow all” button), better featuring, bios, more pngs, tags, reply option, old fonts back