Collage by opheliax


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my own chat page again šŸ„°
i think yours is still up
i know.. and all i can say is to communicate.. everyone is busy and has lives, but if youā€™re going to be in a relationship you have to have time and put effort into it
yea it sccks and itā€™s not the same :(
you can anytime :)
i hope he comes on soon and you can work something out
weā€™re good
i donā€™t know, we had an indoor picnic today and it was okay, heā€™s drunk nowwwww and i have to go :( itā€™s late and i took my pills already
maybeeee i shouldnā€™t have ruined the moment or given him wineeee, now heā€™s all woozy
iā€™ll talk to you tomorrow or whenever we talk again, im going to try to sleep now
hope things work out for you and blue though, maybe you can plan something for the two of you, just donā€™t get him too drunk šŸ˜…
love you, goodnight
good morning
mostly lovey
i wish it was longer
a cold?
teddy bears specifically
thanks but you donā€™t have to do that
well thank you :)
why is everyone giving me things today? itā€™s not my birthday or christmas and itā€™s not mothers day anymore šŸ˜…
i doubt it šŸ˜‚
yea :)
badum bul bum
uh huh i knew you were acting suspicious
itā€™s okay, i overshare sometimes.. tmi doesnā€™t exist with me šŸ˜‚
ooooh sneakyyyy
i think it makes it more interesting when youā€™re scandalous, it adds.. spice lmaoo
i do too, you get me šŸ˜Œ
hehe me too, i think being scandalous is hot šŸ˜
it was fun but my lovely fiancĆ© decided to jump off of the roof šŸ˜‚
mhm mhm mhm mhm
yea heā€™s fine, but he almost gave me a heart attack šŸ˜‚
i agree
yes i did
i knowwww, you always tell me that, but im glad you have someone now you can do those things with :)
thatā€™s great
yes but i might fall asleep soon
okay letā€™s talk