Hello mates I'm Dylan💀, I'm single and looking , DADDY ASF jk jk maybe 😂 I'm really into music and Yaaa ... hmu?


Hello mates I'm Dylan💀, I'm single and looking , DADDY ASF jk jk maybe 😂 I'm really into music and Yaaa ... hmu?

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Hey it is so very nice to meet you luv I am so pleased to make your acquaintance sir Dylan *curtsies*~ btw my name is Passion or Pash for short
How are you doing on this beauiful day luv?~ Passion
I'm alright and btw your sister is so adorable☺️
Np who does she look more like your guys mum or dad compared to you?
Aww do you look more like your mum or your dad?
That is so cool btw you are so nice to talk to
Aww thank you so much btw this is so out of the convo but do feel uncomfortable talking to other types of people who choose different s*xes like bi people or others?
Yeah or like pans or bi?
So your straight but support is that right sir Dylan?~ Passion
Oh alright I was just wondering that is all thank you so much for talking to meet I really enjoy talking to you btw would you judge me at all if I said I was bi or anything like that?
Alright thank you so much also you got a lot of girls ur talking to☺️😂I am surprised that my friends don't have that many😂
You are like my new guy friend😄if that is okay with you~ Pash
Tysm luv I will have to talk to you tomorrow also thank you for being my new guy friend😊😂😄~ Pash
hey Dylan I'm single
I'm taken but your kinda cute