Collage by tennisgirl28


38 2
love your account!!!!!!!
no probs! I love your collages ❤️
I hope so 😬😬
Oh no that sucks
I'm Monique btw
ok just about to go shopping
It's fine lol
It's 10:30 in the morning
I live in Australia 😆😆
it's exactly 11:00 am right now in WA (Western Australia) what time is it for you?
Hey, what’s up?
i was sorry to hear what you are going through. It's awful. I actually have heaps of trouble sleeping too, most of the time I don't fall asleep until about 2 but it's getting better. It's really tough, and I feel for you 100% I'm so sorry.
IM SO SO SORRY! I couldn't get on before... I ran out of charge. SORRY! ☹️
look, I'm always here if you need to talk about it. I'm forever ready to listen and I understand what you r going through as well. I've had similar experiences and it's so hard. I really am so sorry. I hope things get better soon.
I love you anyway and I know lots of others do too! You are amazing so hold on to that! ❤️❤️
it must be night time rn for you, so I hope you sleep well. Best of luck tomorrow, I'll be praying for you, and I really really hope things get better soon. The toughest, hardest experiences build us up and make us strong. And I'll be supporting you through it all. God bless. ❤️❤️
Australia too
hey it's ok. I'm here for you babe! (such a great song!!! I first heard it in Groundhog Day... have you seen it? It's so funny you deft should) what are you up to right now (other than trying to sleep, the struggle is real) 😤😴
I'm in my room eating chips.
Same, even tho I have to get up at a decent time tomorrow. 😆
Thank you for your concern.
how are you?
doing ok? 😘😊
ohhh, that sux. Have a great day at school tho!! ❤️❤️ I'll try to catch you later ok? Hang in there!
how you doing?
Hi! How are you? 😆
tysm for the spam💞
om-gosh!!! yes!!!! I LOVE them!!!! 💕 💕
ok, that's good to hear. I hope it gets better. I know how you feel, cos I've got a friend and it's kinda crazily topsy-turvy cos they keep saying things and I can't deal with that cos I've already got a lot on my plate and it just makes me feel awful.
sorry to pile all this on you lol. How are you now?
I really hope you can find the strength to deal with it. Life is really exhausting, but you seem like such a strong person. If you ever need to talk or vent, I'm here ❤️❤️
hmmm. yeah that's really rough. I'm so sorry. I wish there was something I could do...
well, for me it's a Friday and it's about 9:15 in the morning. I have Youth Group tonight but I probably won't go, because that friend I mentioned goes there.
but, yeah, I'm not too bad I guess. thankyou so much for asking, it means a lot. 😊😊
yeh, that's good advice. I think tho, I just need to tell the person to stop but honestly, I kinda just don't want them to freak out and make it into a drama.
ok, true. everyone feels so far away 👋😢😂 but yeah, if there is anything I can do (probably PC wise, but you know if you need prayer or anything) let me know.
yeah. you are not alone
no, I haven't started yet. I'm supposed to have but I haven't even eaten breakfast yet (I've made it but not eaten it) lol. What about you?
lol no problem, they all look so good!!!
yeah, I'm homeschooled. Obviously, I have school books and stuff but I basically teach myself. It does actually really get pretty lonely tho tbh. I mean, I basically have no contact with other people except for PC, WG, Cadets and my Church family.
yeah, it’s fine, I kinda not want to share that right now (just right now!!! I’ll probably tell you eventually) but I live in the east coasts (if that wasn’t obvious)
don’t take it personally though
Hi!! How are you now? Have you been sleeping? Are you doing ok?
I'm right here for you if you need me, and I'm willing to listen if you need to vent or talk anything thru. ❤️❤️
aww sounds like a cute dog
oh that’s cool!!!
Good, your collages are great! 😊
hey yes xx
yeah, I went to youth group. It was pretty good. Thx for asking.
that's so good to hear! 👏👏❤️❤️ I'm really glad that things started to look up a bit.
sleeping w/ a pet is such a great idea! 🐶 what is your dog's name (male or female?) and what kind of dog?
how are you going now? is everything ok?
ok, good to hear!! I'm happy for you that things are getting better. Keep being courageous and hold your head high; we love you ❤️❤️
yeah, YG wasn't too bad. You know that feeling that you should have said things you didn't? yeah well, that's the feeling I had all last night. I'm fine tho, just trying to move on and think about other things now.
thanks for asking. I really really appreciate having you here to talk to.
look, I hope you have a really great weekend (I know I plan on it!) I think with what you've been going through you deserve it. ❤️❤️
good wbu
Of course! I’m just commenting now, but I prayed for you as soon as I saw your comment. I hope school went well. God bless 😘
aw, really? thanks!!
whatcha up to?
yeh, I'm lying in bed too. it's 2 am so I should be asleep.
oh that's great!!
I hope it goes well! get it all out of your system. it's great that you have someone to talk to. ❤️❤️
sorry! everyone on P.C. is at school and stuff and I don’t go back for weeks so I’m bored out of my brain 😂*im Kay btw!* have a good day at school !
awe thank youuuuu! ditto ♥️