We have been playing cards all evening, so much fun ✨🙌😎! Really like this collage; the girl is from an old painting by Eero Nelimarkka (he painted her 1915!!) 💕I thought she looked so sweet!


We have been playing cards all evening, so much fun ✨🙌😎! Really like this collage; the girl is from an old painting by Eero Nelimarkka (he painted her 1915!!) 💕I thought she looked so sweet!

48 0
beautiful !
any specific card game?
Thank you. ❤❤❤ I know worrying doesn't help, but it's hard not to. I know I just have to do my best and trust that things will be okay even if they don't go according to my plan. But it's one way to know that and another thing entirely to actually feel it...
😂 tysm! 💗💙
cool! sounds fun! I love long card games honestly haha.
tysm! ❤️