these past few days and including today i’ve felt so ugly and disgusting and uncomfortable in my clothes. all i wear are jeans and hoodies and the jeans i’m wearing today make me feel so uncomfortable but i hate hate hate my appearance lately like i becom


these past few days and including today i’ve felt so ugly and disgusting and uncomfortable in my clothes. all i wear are jeans and hoodies and the jeans i’m wearing today make me feel so uncomfortable but i hate hate hate my appearance lately like i becom

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*become physically stressed about it
me too like all the clothes i want to wear i’m not allowed to so i end up stressing myself out over finding cute outfits that are actually comfy and trendy and it’s super hard like i get anxious about it ....
the best way to find clothes that make you happy without having to spend much is goodwill. it’s harder to find good things of course but girL I have so many shoes, so many clothes... I did not before I started shopping there. my outfits were pretty iconic in high school and beginning of college but I’ve been in mostly comfy stuff for a few months except when it’s nice occasions. being able to explore the look you like while not spending a lot of money on it is great and i can’t even tell you how many times I’ve been asked where I’ve gotten my clothes. if you like makeup (I wear it maybe 10% of the time rn lol) then colourpop is great because they have a million colors and are as cheap as drugstore for the most part. I only buy makeup from them and elf unless it’s $1 drug store stuff. I know I feel much better when I shower frequently so if there’s a shampoo/conditioner/soap that you love, smelling it constantly really is calming (for me at least). same with getting a perfume or something that you love, it can just make you feel pretty even though it’s a smell. most important to me is skin care and I’m being very neglectful of it rn lol but again using good smelling stuff like lotion and face wash and just feeling very clean and nourished makes me feel better about my body and therefore my appearance I guess.
that was extremely mom sounding and long wow sorry 😅
(thrift stores in general are great but I find goodwill is what most people donate to)