another old contest entry!! sherlockkkk!! i love sherlock and lesteade's friendship and then i also really love john and lestrade's friendship! hope you guys like this! :) 😘❀️✨


πŸ”Žclick!:πŸ” another old contest entry!! sherlockkkk!! i love sherlock and lesteade's friendship and then i also really love john and lestrade's friendship! hope you guys like this! :) 😘❀️✨

105 3
you're welcome ❀️
YASSSSS (i hate myself for saying that) i love this more thoooo πŸ’—πŸ˜
sherlockkkk!!! this is great!
this is too good😱😘😘😘
that's fine
i know, but tbh I just want these games to end...
thanks for the spam ! πŸ’• i love your account omg 😍😫
whats the second font used for 'be the truth' ?
love thissss
whats the font used for β€œgreg”?