


10 0
hru Tess
morning princess
morning babe
how r u
good hbu
morning hru
whats ur name im celia
im great i had basket ball went on a bike ride ate pancakes so great ;)
wow r u in the usa
oh wt state
wt state
oh im in michgan
*shrugs shoulders* not really but kk sooooo do u have a bf
ok i mean boyfriend i need advice my bf is waiting on me and i dont know wt to do
any advice for it
um cant invole parents no no im 11 they wouldnt allow it so its secret wt should do then
yeap he aslo has an acount awsomeman5000
um sort of in the neighbrehood on my bike thts it though and he doesnt live near me
so ueah
um unless its in the hnieghbroohood on my bike no
yep same class
hm no
pum mabey recess?
wt should i do
hm mabey but right niw we have inside recess so wt?
well right now we have insie recess so wt now?
um ok then what
what do you do
wt do you do???????????????????????????????????????????
take a pic😝i dare ya
you could ask him wt i should do
do it or i go on privite
do it plz on monday ill take pic of me and my bf
plzplzplzplzplzplzplzplz and plzplzplzplzplz
how old r u
oh ok is tht you know
when was the puc taken
oh so how do you kiss if its online
oh ok cool
i can try to find a pic of my bf if you want
i remixed a pic of him