Thank you ItzEvan for introducing me to my new favorite song!


Thank you ItzEvan for introducing me to my new favorite song!

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are you Leah?
Yes. Why?
are you friends with Evan and Liam?
Yeah. We hang out at school
I'm Liam's girlfriend
btw my name is lily
Cool. He talks about you all the time!
he does? what does he say
He says, "I can't wait to get home and talk to Lily" or "IS SCHOOL OVER YET I NEED TO TALK TO LILY!" πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ Oh, Liam!
I say the same things! I constantly ask Evan If he is on πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚
Yeah, he told about that yesterday. I feel bad for Evan
me too he was hurt so many times!
you should Rp with us sometime!!!
I know! Between Olivia, Nat, and Liv. It's sooooo sad!
I should!
yes I hope he finds someone that loves him for him
LIAM gets kind of dirty in the rps though πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚
yeah. Liv isn't gonna go back to him. She's dating a celebrity. Evan kinda is one considering how many girls like him at school. He's really popular
really? wow he should not be complaining then
He doesn't like it though, and he says, "If it's not Liv, it's a no"
oh that's bad
Yeah. She doesn't see how much he loves her. He stayed up 'till 10:47 last night just to say goodnight to her
OMG that's soooo sweet but booooo Liv
yeah, she did. She says she didn't cheat, but rlly? ot breaking up with someone and dating someone else is called cheating
yeah! I agree but me and Liv are friends now so I can't talk bad about her.
Yeah we're friends, but it's just...she should've told him how she felt
yeah I agree when Liam says brb how many minutes does that mean?πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚
For him? IDK, an hour?
that like Ttyl instead of brb
Yeah. He's pretty stupid tho. He probably got hungry and put together a pre-dinner dinner
wow *face palm* but I love him I can't call him stupid
You can, he just can't know
we should all Rp definitely your cool (be aware that in rps Liam gets dirty so...)
Oh, you should've seen him last year with his ex. I was all like, "GET YOURSELVES A ROOM!" the middles of class
wait who was his ex?
A girl named Paige.
ooohhhh I DONT know her but me and Liam did break up once
Yeah, she doesn't have pc. She has instagram tho and wattpad
Glad you guys are back together!
oh that's okay mine is @princessliliannas
paige's is macandpaigecheese i think
oh ok πŸ‘ŒπŸΌ
no but literally seriously me and Liam making out then someone interrupts up and I'm like boi!
Lol! IK Evan interrupts lots of people...Including teachers! The teacher post thing he had? Where the teacher said, "why are you talking during my class" and he said, "why are you teaching during my conversation?" that actually happened
OMG what happened after?
She said, "I necer thought of it that way...." LOL
typical EvanπŸ™„πŸ™„
wait! do you have a pic of Evan and Liam together?
No. Everytime they get together to do a picture they end up slapping eachother. They can't really stand eachother
I know they need to get along they are twins
yeah. Once they fighted over a girl at school. Ahh, good times
wow... that's just great. I wish I had a twin
great god my iPad is at 10% good night
goodnight. I'm at like 30%
wait I'm charging right now phew
Ok, good.
what else does Liam say about me?
IDK, tbh
we only have Science and P.E together
oh πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚
how many classes do you have with Evan
4 and most of the time, he's crying. Poor child
oohhh poooorrr Evan
yeah. He's got it pretty hard
I wish Liv would just date him again he'd was HAPPY
brb going to go eat dinner
okay. See ya soon!
I'm back
good but LIAMS STILL NOT ON!!!!!!
Haha! Maybe he fell asleep. Oh wait, it's not even that late. lol! πŸ˜‚
Here. I'll ask evan if he fell asleep.
oh ok thx
Yeah, Liam fell asleep. πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚
OMG he is crazy wait GET Evan on
Ok. I'll be back in 15.