-look in remixes-
I would say which oc/s it features, but I wanna hear you guys’ theories! :0
I’m also really interested in what you guys think of my writing, so please let me know. I really wanna improve! uwuwu


🌑tap🌑 -look in remixes- I would say which oc/s it features, but I wanna hear you guys’ theories! :0 I’m also really interested in what you guys think of my writing, so please let me know. I really wanna improve! uwuwu

10 23
thank you so much Skye! I don’t even know what my taste in music is, but I agree, Control and Castle by Halsey are so so good!
How are you btw?
Honestly same 😂😂 my music taste is WACK. Some days it’s really dark and moody, but then other days it’s songs that have no care in the world 💕
That’s very relatable, emotions are messy, just remember to take care of yourself Skye! I’m always here to talk too! <3
I can imagine!! College is really hard!! :0 But you got this Skye! As for your gender, take your time ok? :) You can sort through it completely first! I’ll support you no matter what happens next.
Of course! You’re still the same person! It would be weird for something like this to change that ^-^
RE//: Yeah it’s gonna be kinda sad to see Cryptic retire but I love the idea and I want to make a comic or an animated series or something and it’s never going to take off as a fanfic sooo hehe
^^ and yeah I don’t care how it’s abbreviated I just say OA or O of A
RE//: Can I send you a video and I’m gonna make a meme out of it please watch it UwU