-Look in remixes-
I’ve had her character for a while, but without a name so, thanks to the astrophysics I did at school today, she’s finally named! :0
aa trial/mock exam results day tomorrow and I’m really nervous qwq””


🪐Tap🪐 -Look in remixes- I’ve had her character for a while, but without a name so, thanks to the astrophysics I did at school today, she’s finally named! :0 aa trial/mock exam results day tomorrow and I’m really nervous qwq””

11 11
And bro I love this char’s color scheme she look so pretty 🤩 I’m gonna remix you something about the chess board UwU
RE//: Yes because furries are amazing and I’d rather draw them than the human versions- @bio yes I want you 😂❤️
(jkjk 😂😂 you are my friend tho 😂)
RE//: MMMMM THANK BTW I NEVER THANKED YOU- (also did you happen to read the article? it’s ok you don’t have to- just wondering) FriCC I missed this place/