Collage by LGBTQSupportGroup


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sometimes I think it's even harder for people to understand asexual
Like because asexuals can have séx they just don't need it? or just be repulsed by it
need? I mean I guess want or feel idk man adjectives you know what I mean
but I'd say if your confident enough to come out just explain it or keep pressing at it??? I'm not an expert please I am 5 but hey
if you don't think you are safe or will have support then don't come out but if you know you will still be safe and that you will be supported you can either sit you family down and tell thenpm face to face which can be extremely difficult and awkward but if you think you can handle it that's probably the best way or you could wright them an email or a letter type thing so that you can explain everything and answer any questions you think they will have however if you do this you should still probably discuss it with them at some point
While Im not going to pretend i fully understand what you r going through firsthand, i want to let u know that i have many friends who r part of the lgbtq community, and i know the amount of fear u have is overwhelming. So i say, that if u r unsure of how your parents will react to your confession, tell your best friends. Why? Because they will give you the support, love, and encouragement everyone needs when they r afraid of rejection. My lesbian friend pulled me aside one day in school, and told me and another friend her sexuality. She was crying l, but me and my friend told her encouraging words from the bottom of our hearts, and helped her come out. Her parents were very shocked, but understood that it was her sexuality, and there was nothing they could do. So they learned to be okay with it, and r in fact extremely supportive!!!!! So thats why my advice for you is to not go into this without knowing u r already loved and supported by so many people (here, and in real life), so that you can have the encouragement u need to tell them the truth one day when u r ready!!! I hope everything works out for u, and good luck!!!♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️