Henry hill rm 8 class 2016🙈


Henry hill rm 8 class 2016🙈

4 1
if looking at @relationshipposts disturbs you, get off. just don't complain when you can solve your own problem and not have to cause more problems
there is no way ever and I mean EVER that you can think her post are gross that is goals and u just mad because your jealous
@relationshipposts is a relationship account you just wish you had that kind of relationship with someone but nobody is going to like you if you keep talking and bullying like that if you don't like it don't look at the post I'm not trying to be mean but it would be nice if you would stop talking to people like that because they can report you and some people might like their boyfriend to do that maybe it makes them feel comfortable most girls feel safe and comfortable in their mans arms....maybe if you felt this way you wouldn't be hating on other people because they have it....sorry not trying to be mean but That's the truth