My pet dog


My pet dog

26 0
iā€™m bored someone hmu
u okay
yeah no you dont
Gucci wbu
aww look how many boos luv you: it just makes my heart meltttt
yh sure what about ?
okay go ahead wt do u need to get off your chest and wt advice do u need x
wdum how u have treated me and talking
how and when
when and wt did u ask me
I'm so confused ??
pictures of wt
baffled šŸ˜‚
oh wt did I say to u when u asked that
well, I think that u shouldn't go and ask for pics of people that u don't know, you should get to know them and become friends or something before u go ahead and ask for stuff like that. because when u do that, your showing a bad impression of yourself towards other people and then your not gonna get anywhere.
is that good or anything else u want to know
do u have any proof..