Art Dump in da remixes, and yes, I am still alive XD


Art Dump in da remixes, and yes, I am still alive XD

6 11
re: haha it’s okay, love ya too buddy. good luck with school
TiMe To DiE rEeEEeeeeEEeEeEeEe
re:// im doing great! what about you??
re// nO *sTaBs ChU fIrSt* HuE hUe
heyyyyy xxxx
hello its me luna & moonlight’s 3rd account :)
please, follow this acc! it’s for Voo!
hey umm it’s me, you probably don’t remember me since I deleted my account and I’ve decided I’m having a fresh start. probs wondering who I am. I’m omega_sylveon or towards the end of my time on pic collage I was Imo_gachalife. hope you remember me 🥺💗
re: I’ve been alright I suppose. how about you?
re: nice! high school is greaaatt
re:// im doing great! is it okay if I follow you on Insta? i'm more active there lol my user is @ grapeskittle_ :0
haha thank you xxxx
re: ehhh I dunno about that lol